#WeAreFirstPres Stories: Start First, Move Fast, Persist

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When Covenant Partners, David and Katie Witter, first attended the Couples Class, their mentors, Robert and Bobbie Wolgemuth, were the instructors. The Wolgemuth’s structured the class around their book, Couples of the Bible, with one goal — that every couple would “go the distance” in their marriage. 

In 2014, David and Katie saw the opportunity to serve their Church Family through Bobbie’s passing: “As the community mourned Bobbie’s loss, it seemed as though the Couples Class would dissolve,” David said, “but I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me, saying ‘Make the offer and trust me.’” 

Katie remembers the struggle of getting new couples involved, “When we relaunched without the Wolgemuth’s, only one or two couples came. Now there are upwards of thirty involved.” Eventually, along with attendance, the study grew from conversations about marriage to parenting and community building. Regardless of changes through the years, David and Katie have remained faithful to the goal of their predecessors — that each couple look at each other and say, “We’re going the distance.” 

David said, “If you want to get involved, don’t wait until someone else starts something new! Start first, move fast, persist. Everything about this class is Holy Spirit driven. It doesn’t matter if we’re halfway through a book — join us anyway!

Attend the Couples Class this Sunday at 10:15am.
The Witter’s are excited to welcome you!

We have a class for everyone — 
Find your Formation fit NOW!

First Pres