The Music Ministry of First Pres seeks to honor the Lord and bring glory to His name through the beauty of Worship Arts. We embrace contemporary and traditional musical styles and aspire to lead Christians before God’s throne through song and artistic expression that serve as faithful offerings of the gifts He has given! Our ministry is vibrant and always seeking volunteers who are passionate and musically talented.




Our choirs play an integral role in worship by leading the congregation (you!) in worship, and pointing us toward the proclamation of the Word that is preached each week.

Whether you are a child, a teen or an adult, there is a place for you to share in our community of worshippers, each offering the unique opportunity to lift your voice in praise and serve God in a beautiful and meaningful way.


If you are in high school or older, you are eligible to sing in our Adult Choir. Our Adult Choir meets faithfully every week on Thursday evenings to prepare to lead worship every Sunday, as well as special services throughout the year. 

Being part of a choir is more than just singing. It’s is about forming lasting friendships and modeling Church Family by praying for each other, caring for one another, enjoying fellowship and creating a strong sense of Belonging. 

We hope you will join our worship community and help us to glorify the Lord and exalt his name – together.


Our Youth Choir is led by Karen Roberts, and is open to students in sixth grade through high school. This choir prepares to sing in worship several times throughout the year, helping to lead congregational singing, as well as singing special anthems. Youth Choir requires a seasonal commitment of about six weeks. Rehearsals are typically held between services on Sunday mornings at 10:15.


Our Children’s Choir is led by Meredith Hollowell, and is open to first through fifth graders. All-calls for participants are held at least twice per year, and children rehearse specific songs during Praise & Play on Sunday mornings to prepare for a special worship service. The time commitment is six weeks.


This Choral internship is for high school musicians interested in the art of sacred choral singing. Participants will be encouraged to grow in their craft and serve God through their gift of music. We invite all skilled high school choral singers to apply to be a part of this loving community rooted in the Christian faith!

Qualified applicants will undergo an audition, during which they will engage in an interview, sing a musical selection of their choosing, and sight-sing a choral passage selected by our Director of Traditional Worship. If chosen for the choral scholar program, they will sing with our Chancel Choir. Each scholar will be offered an honorarium of $20 for each rehearsal and worship service in which they participate, with the expectation that they make the commitment to attend regularly throughout the duration of the program, September-April.



Genesis worships God through modern and ancient worship music, and incorporates inspired video, lighting, and dramatic stage design. Creative and visual arts are part of the experience, and the congregation is often invited to participate in those, too. 
We would love for YOU to use your musical gifts to help lead worship at First Pres! Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30, and commitments on Sunday mornings run from 7-11am. If you’re gifted in drums, keyboard, guitar, bass, or vocals, we want to hear from you. Listen to Genesis inspiration tracks on Spotify, and contact Genesis Worship Director, Josh Hammonds to get involved!


You might also use your AV/Tech gifts to volunteer with our brilliant Tech Team to run lights, sound, screens, lyrics or cameras. We’ll train you! Contact Sr. Creative Director, Christina McDaniel TODAY!



“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” PSALM 34:3