Our call is transforming college students to transform the world. We do this through our vibrant partnership with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO). Our relationships and gatherings are focused around connecting with God and helping each other follow Jesus faithfully during college and beyond. As a result, we send students into the world who are deeply connected to their local church and are thriving participants in the mission of God within their communities, families, and workplaces.



Check out our event calendar below and join us for fun and fellowship each month! New events and service opportunities happen spontaneously, so stay in the know with our COLLEGE E-NEWS:




Tuesdays | 8:00-10am |  Compassion Corner

Join us on the third Tuesday of each month at Compassion Corner. We meet together at 8am on the 5th floor of the First Pres parking garage and travel together to Compassion Corner where we serve coffee, offer smiles and the love of Jesus to our unsheltered neighbors in Orlando. Jump in!



JOIN US! All are welcome! If you’re in college, we want to know and love YOU! We’ll come together for deeper relationship with God and one another, scripture discussion and prayer. Dates/times vary so be sure to check our IG or DM us for details!



Mar. 13 | 8-10pm | 420 E Church Street

Share your talents & stories through art at open mic night! Register to perform. Bring friends & fam and join us for a night of music and poetry that will move you from lament to hope. Contact Jonathan for more details.




Jonathan Wagner

When I was in college, one of my good friends would say, “don’t let class get in the way of your education!” He wasn’t (often) trying to get me to skip class. He was pointing out that my experiences outside of the classroom were similarly important. When I was in school I studied International Business and Religion.

But, God used the experiences beyond my credit hours to teach me how to ask hard questions, form deep friendships, and discover who God made me to be. Regardless of where you are in your journey, we would love to walk with you during this season!


 CCO Church Partnership

Partnership between a church and the CCO means that together we develop a shared vision for reaching students, design a ministry strategy, and choose a CCO staff person who will act as the congregation's full-time representative to campus. Instead of taking a four-or-more-year hiatus from the church, students in these ministries find themselves integrally involved in the life of a local congregation.