Our Stories
Our lives are shaped by the stories God is telling in and through each of us.

We believe in the authority of the Bible, and align our lives to what God says. We filter culture, experience, and decisions through a Biblical lens. We acknowledge we live in the tension between grace and truth, mercy and justice, hope for the present and eternal life.

Our identity is deeply rooted in Orlando. Our Christlike leadership in the city matters. We stay and we serve without expectation or condition, because we are part of the social fabric of the city.

We are the people you call in a crisis. Our covenant relationship matters to us, and we joyfully surround our brokenhearted.

God has been faithful to this church for many generations, and we are stewards of this inheritance, building on what He began. We value and embrace all ages, and through them celebrate the past, present and future church.

We give extravagantly, beyond what is expected. We give because God was generous to us first. We give responsibly, cheerfully, and without guilt, championing the future forward.

We acknowledge our broken humanity, and still bring out wholehearted best to every endeavor, no matter how small. We get excited about making things even better (always being Reformed!). Our best is not perfect; but it is an authentic expression of our flawed, human gifts intended to delight a holy God.

A look back at the 501st Reformation Sunday, October 28, 2018. As we look to the future together, we look back for inspiration, wisdom and the stories of the saints who came before us.

An invitation, and celebration of God's faithfulness as we look to the future together as a church family.

The Weekday School has been sharing the heart and love of Jesus with children and their families for 70 years!