What to expect

Visit with Us


Welcome to First Pres. Deeply rooted in the City Beautiful, our Church Family gathers to worship God each Sunday and encourage one another.


Sunday Worship

We offer two unique worship experiences, each one a vibrant expression of our relationship with God and our covenant community. At all of our services, you’ll be greeted by our Church Family, hear the Word, and worship God through music, message, and prayer. We encourage you to come as you are to either service (contemporary or traditional). The Sanctuary can get chilly, so layers are recommended.

Our services follow the liturgical calendar and incorporate expressions of the church’s foundational beliefs in their design. Both Genesis (contemporary) and Traditional respond to God’s generosity through the offering each week. We invite all Christ-followers to enjoy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Sunday Mornings:

9:00am Genesis Service in the Sanctuary

10:15am Formation & Fellowship

11:15am Traditional Service in the Sanctuary


Genesis Service

Our Genesis worship service gathers at 9:00am in the Sanctuary. In a casual atmosphere, Genesis worships God through modern and ancient worship music (typically played by a band), and incorporates inspired video, lighting, and dramatic stage design. Creative and visual arts are part of the experience, and the congregation is often invited to participate in those, too. 9:00am Genesis is broadcast live online.


Traditional Service

Our Traditional worship service gathers at 11:15am in our Sanctuary, a space rich with our church’s heritage and historic expressions of artistry. Stained glass, light-filled architecture, choral and organ music and a liturgical journey are part of how we illustrate our worship and celebrate our Creator God in this service. 11:15am Traditional worship is broadcast live online.


Say hello.

We know that visiting a new church can be intimidating, and even more challenging if you’re not quite ready to spend the morning chatting with strangers. We get that.

We also know that cultivating relationships are an essential part of who we are as a Church Family, and we believe it’s a core part of Belonging in community. We’ve structured our Sunday mornings to make space for connection. We set aside very intentional time between the worship services for Fellowship & Formation.

On the first Sunday of each month, we dedicate the 10 o’clock hour to rich Fellowship and light refreshments in Lee Fellowship Hall. All other Sundays host Fellowship under the Angel Wing and on the playgrounds. Additionally, you might opt for deep Biblical teaching in our Formation Classes (Sunday School) between services.



Visit this weekend.

Directions and Parking

First Presbyterian Church of Orlando is located at 106 East Church Street, Orlando, Florida, 32801. 

Since our campus covers a full city block, there are lots of entrances. But if it’s your first visit, we encourage you to stop by our bright orange Welcome Tables before or after worship, so we can answer any questions you might have along the way.


Parking downtown can be tricky, so we partner with the county and share a parking garage across the street on the corner of Jackson Street and Rosalind Avenue. On Sundays, the garage is open for free parking, and during the week, we can validate your garage parking pass for meetings and events. The garage is just across the street from the church, and the garage entrance is on Liberty Avenue.


Handicapped parking is available on the first floor of the parking garage, on the street immediately around the campus, and the playground on Jackson Street (see the map).

Additional apps can also help you locate information about parking in Downtown Orlando, including pricing and locations, from your mobile phone.


Downtown Orlando is also easily accessible by Sunrail, Bike Share and Lymmo free downtown buses.


Notice of filming/photography

You are entering an area where photography, videography, live streaming and other audio recording may be in progress at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando (“FPCO”) services, ministry activities, classes, programs and other events.

By entering this space, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for live streaming, promotional and educational purposes, including but not limited to, inclusion on live broadcasts, websites, social media, printed and electronic materials, or other purposes by FPCO. This notice excludes non-broadcast memorial services and weddings.

By participating in FPCO’s services, ministry activities, programs or events you consent to be photographed, videotaped or otherwise recorded, grant your permission for FPCO to use recordings containing your name, image, likeness, voice or statements, without compensation, credit or other consideration to you, for promotional, publicity and other purposes, throughout the world and in perpetuity.

While FPCO reserves the right to photograph and record events, FPCO strives to ensure that photography and videography are used in safe and positive ways. FPCO will not knowingly and intentionally post any image, likeness, voice or statements that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to any clearly, personally identifiable individual.

By entering FPCO’s service/event, you release, hold harmless and indemnify FPCO, its pastors, church officers, employees, laity and each and all persons involved, and their successors, assigns and licensees, from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or audio recordings, and you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use of these materials. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by FPCO.

Please notify our Creative Team if you wish for your image to be excluded from filming or recording. In addition, if you see a photo on First Presbyterian Church of Orlando’s website or social media page that includes you or your child and would like it removed, please contact Carla Shehane.