MEET THE 2023 - 2024 FELLOWS

If these questions stir something in you, then you should consider applying for the Gotham Fellowship.
The Gotham Fellowship is a nine-month, deep-dive into how our faith relates to our work, with an eye towards cultural renewal.
The curriculum was developed by Katherine Leary Alsdorf and Tim Keller of Redeemer in New York City (the Center for Faith & Work is now under the City-to-City Project.)
It is an intensive training program that integrates three primary elements—theology, spiritual formation, and community formation — for the social, cultural, and spiritual revitalization of our community.

The Heart of Gotham
Increased Gospel worldview depth and sustainability
A defined sense of mission for career
A strategy for cultural renewal
Opportunity to learn from experienced Christian leaders
Community-based learning
A "tool belt" of spiritual formation exercises for life-long use*
An integrated curriculum of theology, worldview, faith and work
Prominent guest lecturers
Group discussions and collaborative learning
Guided devotional and spiritual formation
Relationships with seasoned Christians active in the various spheres in the marketplace
The Details
The Gotham Fellowship is a nine-month program, similar to an executive education program, for adults who live or work in the greater Orlando area. Our typical class comprises men and women between the ages of 25-50 working in fields including business, law, finance, education, engineering, government, non-profit, design, medicine, ministry, the arts, and more.
Gotham meets mid-September through mid-May. During these months, participants meet two hours a week to discuss the extensive (average 75-100 pages per week) reading of major texts from various eras of church history. Daily devotionals unite the group through guided scriptural and reflective readings. Individual projects challenge participants to apply concepts to their own life and work. Gotham Fellows are required to be active members of a local church.
Three evening or Saturday morning gatherings in the fall and in the spring provide in-depth training in cultural renewal and application. The cultural excursions focus on technology, finance, law, and art, each incorporating unique spiritual formation exercises. A two-night retreat in January focuses on personal reflection, worship, synthesis of concepts, and spiritual formation. For all of these experiences the two cohorts will enjoy these together.
Tuition for the Gotham Fellowship is $1600, which includes all course materials, access to the online course portal, Saturday excursions, and the winter retreat room and board. Your tuition helps to offset the program costs associated with Gotham. Limited financial aid available upon request after acceptance.
Once a Gotham Fellow, leadership in the arena of cultural renewal in and through one's local church is expected. The Gotham Fellowship is a training program with an eye towards exercising faith in the public square in addition to building the Kingdom of God wherever one may be called to serve the Body of Christ. Applicants will be expected to share with their pastoral leadership all they are experiencing, and to continue a dialogue in the direction of supporting one's church in her efforts with Gospel-centered cultural renewal.
An admissions committee will review the applications for spiritual maturity, diversity, and the ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the Program. Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than mid-July. The application consists of two parts:
Application: Complete our online application form HERE.
Recommendations: You will need to provide two recommendations/references. One who can speak to your work life, and a second from someone who can speak to your spiritual life. In addition, one of your two references needs to be your pastor. Your application will be considered incomplete without both recommendations. Only a completed application should be submitted for consideration of the upcoming class.
Each class cohort is carefully designed and strategically discerned by the admissions committee. Balance is sought in terms of demographics, denominational, and vocational diversity. The aim is a rich and dynamic experience achieved through the best placement of students, as well as those in positions of unique cultural engagement. Applicants not accepted to this upcoming class may certainly apply again.
Accepted applicants can apply for financial aid once they have been notified.
If you have any questions regarding the Gotham Fellowship and your discernment with applying, email Case Thorp.