Arts Fellowship Orlando



Many artists want to explore the intersection of art and faith, but struggle to find safe spaces to do so. Arts Fellowship Orlando exists to celebrate, engage, and grow Christ-centered artists to expand their role in God’s greater story of redemption and restoration.

We believe artists of all disciplines should have the opportunity to grow creatively and spiritually in a Christ-centered community.

Arts Fellowship Orlando is a unique opportunity for mature Christian creatives in the greater Orlando area to engage in a six-month exploration of the intersection of art and faith. During the program, you will grow in community with artists of various disciplines, and gain clarity on your role as an artist in God’s Kingdom. In addition, you will be given the resources to cultivate new original works with multiple opportunities to present them. You will create within a supportive community while enriching your theology of making and Christian spiritual formation.


AFO Summer Showcase

A ministry of First Pres, Arts Fellowship Orlando, invites you to our fourth-annual showcase at the Dr. Phillips Center. Experience inspiration as you journey through the intersection of art and faith with our diverse and talented cohort of artists as they present their original works.

June 8, 2:30pm & 7:00pm  | Tickets Available in April


A Program Designed with the Christian Artist In Mind

The next fellowship will begin in January 2025.

In an effort to assist each fellow in the creation of original works during the program, a $5,000 scholarship will be provided to each participant over the course of the fellowship.

In addition, fellows will have access to:

  • Theological training designed with the artist in mind.

  • Opportunity to work with a renowned mentor in your field.

  • Opportunities to be featured in multiple showcases and programs.

  • 1:1 personal spiritual direction.

  • Weekly 1:1 discipleship appointments.

  • Various opportunities to network, collaborate, and grow in camaraderie with other Christian artists.

    • Attend AFO kick-off dinner on Thurs, Jan 9 (spouses welcome) & full day retreat on Sat, Jan 11.

    • Attend all AFO seminars (Monday evenings @ 5:30pm - Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 7, & May 19.) Dinner provided.

    • Prepare and submit a work plan/ timeline for your proposed project.

    • Prepare for & present at the Works-in-Progress Showcases (Mondays @ 7pm - Feb 10, Mar 24, & May 5).

    • Prepare for & present your completed work(s) during a full-length program on June 8 and attend a debrief dinner on June 11.

    • Attend all scheduled 1:1 appointments related to discipleship, mentorship, and spiritual direction.

    • Attend Fellowship Sunday at First Pres Orlando on Sunday, April 13.

    • An open and willing spirit to participate in leadership opportunities at First Pres Orlando & grow as an artist, a Christian, and as a culture-maker in our community.

    • Prepare & present a brief summary describing how you sense God is calling you to use your unique gifting within the church or community in the months that will follow the fellowship.

  • Applications will be accepted through October 31. Interviews for the final round of applicants will occur Nov 5-6th plus during the week of Nov 11th.

    A review committee will discern for spiritual and artistic maturity, diversity, and the ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the fellowship. It seeks artists who have a new concept they wish to explore and produce within their chosen medium. Finalists will be invited into an interview with our review committee for final deliberations.

    • Completion of the online application

    • Submission of up to three samples of your work (links for uploading samples will be provided)

    • Receipt of a letter of recommendation from pastor or spiritual leader

    • Receipt of a professional letter of recommendation

    • Receipt of character reference

    Each fellowship will be carefully designed and strategically assembled. Balance is sought in terms of demographics, denominational, and vocational diversity. The aim is a rich and dynamic experience achieved through the best placement of fellows, as well as those in positions of unique cultural engagement. Applicants not accepted to this upcoming class may certainly apply again.



Have questions regarding Arts Fellowship Orlando?
Interested in supporting this ministry financially?
Have a desire to meet up with other Christian creatives?

Please email us at

 Our Team



Lisa is a writer, speaker, published author and elder with First Pres. She is a graduate of the Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. She has worked with Cru for 30 years, where she currently serves as a writer and spiritual director to creatives--helping them integrate their faith and art.



Karen spent several decades in the world of dance as a choreographer, performer and instructor. She has also held various executive leadership roles in both for-profit and non-profit sectors. Currently, she is pursuing her MA at Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando.


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