#WeAreFirstPres Stories: Kingdom Culture

This month, FPCO College teamed with local charity, IfYou Foundation, for a full Friday of service. Our team unloaded two trucks of food, processed it, and divided it into hundreds of boxes. A car line formed quickly, and boxes were given to each drive-thru family. First Pres worked quickly and efficiently alongside our Brazilian, IfYou partners who spoke Portugese, almost exclusively. It was a beautiful picture of the Kingdom — diverse cultures joined in service of our God.

First Pres-er, Julius, drove two hours to commit his time and talents to the Serve Day. Julius, Jeremiah, and Brad spent lots of time squinting at food, looking for expiration dates, and sorting accordingly. Ashley created an English/Spanish/Portuguese quasi language to communicate with the IfYou team. She expressed great joy in spending meaningful time working with other Christians her age.

Our students embodied a Godly posture of service, putting others first, and cheerfully doing good things without expecting reward. Praise God for our servant leaders from College Ministry — impacting our city in the name of Jesus.

The IfYou Foundation has donated 1.2 tons of food to 30,000 local families, with an estimated $4.5 million impact in Central Florida. They drive social projects, connect volunteers, seek engaged companies and work steadily in the solution and expansion of various social actions. Accepting food donations, sorting and packaging them, and getting them to families is a big part of their mission.

First Pres