COVID-19 - How to Help

Mindset of Missional Living: 

In this first post on Missional Living in a time of crisis we wanted to offer some biblical mindsets to take on as we enter into a new way of doing life. 

Be Respectful: We must take this situation very seriously. As believers of Jesus, we trust the sovereignty of God and his power and knowledge to place the proper leaders in their roles for each season. In order to be good citizens both in our heavenly citizenship and earthly citizenship it is right for us to abide by the recommendations of our government. We isolate and practice social distancing, not out of fear, rather out of love for our neighbors, especially the most vulnerable among us. While you may not be at great risk in this unprecedented season, many others are at great risk in numerous ways. (Romans 13:1, Colossians 1:17) 

Be Kind: Fast approaching calamities create an atmosphere of panic, fear, and hurry. Begin your COVID-19 prep with prayer. Most people will be operating with a scarcity mentality which often brings with it a sense of selfishness or a sort of survival of the fittest/smartest/strongest mindset. Take a deep breath and before you head over to the local supermarket or begin your day in isolation ask the Lord to give you peace and patience. Ask for his kindness and goodness to fill you up before you encounter someone who is wreaking havoc on the local cashier or other shoppers. (Philippians 4:7, Mark 1:35, Romans 8:15) 

Create Margin & Be Generous: Consider planning extra time in your prep schedule and daily routine to help others. A disruptive and powerful witness in this broken world can be as simple as reaching out to those in your community that may be more susceptible or vulnerable to the virus. Two examples would include elderly people or widows and hourly wage workers. Keep in mind these people all may need something different. Begin with listening. (2 Corinthians 9:7, Psalm 112:5)

Slow Down: We will be useless to others if our own souls are not stayed on Jesus. He is the river, the stream of living water that nourishes us and renews us day by day. There is much to do, you are stressed, anxious, swallowed up in fear, I know, I feel it too. There is no better time to seek the Lord in prayer, through scripture, and in silence (I preached on rhythms of rest in January). He has not left you. He has not left the world. He is aware of the chaos and disorder. Allow him to first work order and peace into your soul so that you might bring about order and peace in your family, in your work, and in your neighborhood. We will be writing more about this in the coming weeks. (Matthew 11:28-30, Psalm 1, Jeremiah 6:16, Jeremiah 17:7-8) 

We love you all very much. It is sad to think about not being able to gather as a body of believers for the time being. We pray that each of you will remain healthy and safe and we look forward to a day when we gather once again to share in fellowship, worship, and extended times of peace passing with hugs and handshakes! :) 

Tanner Fox