The purpose of LifeFest is to be together as a Church Family, be encouraged in our faith, and retreat together! This is an overnight retreat for anyone in the church. There will be fun, laughter, worship, fellowship, adventure, and teaching.
April 4-6, 2025 | SOUTHWIND CAMP
Esteemed friend of First Pres, counselor, author, and pastor, Ben Kandt, will be our guest speaker for the weekend as we grow through God’s Word in joy and conviction together.
$195/person | $120/child (ages 3-11)
*$500 family maximum
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Work Crew is a unique way for juniors and seniors in high school to serve our Church Family during this fun weekend of togetherness. Our values of Generational Faithfulness and Missional Living are in full effect with this team of incredible students who work tirelessly behind the scenes (and in front of the scenes too) to love and serve our First Pres-ers.
Infants (0-2) and High Schoolers in Work Crew attend for free.