
SUNDAY WORSHIP LIVE in-person or online: 9:00 & 11:15am


The Holy Stitches prayer shawl ministry of First Pres creates a kind, uplifting, faith-filled place for ladies who like to crochet and knit. Their thoughtful and beautiful labor-of-love shawls are a tangible reminder of Christ’s care and provision for those who are hurting. The ladies specifically pray for each shawl recipient before delivering their hand-crafted beauty with a cross and message of hope.


If you love Jesus, have a heart of compassion, and a talent for knitting or crocheting, the ladies of Holy Stitches would love to welcome you to the team! We love connecting with others of similar interest and talent, and always have an extra chair for the ladies of our Church Family.




Holy Stitches meets on the second and fourth Fridays of every month from 12:30-2pm on the second floor of Clayton Life Center. They break for summers and holidays. The first meeting of the month is focused on fellowship and fun while working on the prayer shawls. The second meeting is dedicated to prayer for shawl recipients while they assembling and packaging the shawls for delivery.

Recently, the ladies of Holy Stitches knitted, dedicated, packed and shipped nearly 100 shawls for our friends in Ukraine! Be inspired by this vibrant group of women who seek to honor God and Live Missionally using their gifts of compassion and crochet!



Covenant Partner, Cindy Chambers, began the Holy Stitches ministry in 2007 as a fun way for friends to gather and use their gifts to bless and bring comfort to those who need it most. Cindy would love to share more and welcome you to the team!