Swanson Family Update


Words are inadequate to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for your prayers, cards, emails, texts and other forms of support in these past few weeks. I wholly identify with Paul who said to the Philippian church in Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God every time I remember you…” My love and appreciation for you only grows deeper. Needless to say, I am chomping at the bit to be back in the pulpit Sunday, and yes, it will include at least one hospital story!

In regard to my health, I am relieved and thankful to report the four small tumors in my neck were all benign, a result which was anticipated, but until you get the official word, you can’t be sure. I am certainly ready to put this chapter behind me as we move towards Holy Week, Easter, a new strategic plan and a celebration of our 150th anniversary March 6-8, 2026!

In other family news, my wife, Leigh, after a rich and wonderful 13 years serving at Reformed Theological Seminary, will begin a new position on May 5 as Vice President at the Orlando Health Foundation leading the fundraising strategy and execution for the Orlando Health Cancer Institute and the oncology service line across Orlando Health. Our family is now a four-time user of the OHCI, so Leigh could not turn down the chance to serve others as they walk the same roads we have in the past eighteen months. She’s honored to help create a better future for the all those facing the challenges and hardships of cancer.

Our children and grandchildren continue to thrive in their respective lives, and we are overjoyed to share that our middle child, Alex, was engaged to Cassie Kasmirski on December 13, 2024. They will be married in the sanctuary on October 18, 2025. We are beyond thrilled to welcome Cassie to our family and church (she became a Covenant Partner last month)!

Again, thank you for the lavish nature of your love and concern for me. I am eager to be among you again on Sunday, and I look forward to showing you my scar!

In His service,

First Pres