Lectio Divina

by Rev. Tanner Fox, Associate Pastor of Missions

Lectio Divina is an ancient practice of reading and reflecting on the word of God in order to respond to and remain with the Lord. Often it is difficult to hear the voice of God in the busyness of our lives. The practice of Lectio Divina is beautiful in its simplicity. We are not primarily coming to the text to fill our brains. We are not necessarily looking for a word to revolutionize our lives. We are simply coming to enjoy the presence of God, through his word, and to be transformed over time. 

Lectio Divina revolves around the reading of Scripture. Slowly, thoughtfully, and with great intentionality, we work through the text three times. Each time we ponder a different question and ask the Lord to speak anew through his ancient and infallible word. 

Lectio Divina gives us a chance to work on paying attention. Our God has promised to be with us to the end of the age. He has promised to never leave or forsake us. His divine presence is working in and through all things as he holds all things together through the power of his word. He is all around if only we can pay attention. When we pay attention we become aware of what is going on around us, of ourselves and of the Lord, and thus gain the ability to have the agency to act in ways that honor the Lord and build for his kingdom. 

Lectio Divina can take as little as 15 minutes or as long as you’d like depending on which passages you choose and how much time you would like to spend reflecting in between readings. 


Begin by choosing a passage to read. You can practice Lectio Divina with any part of the Bible. If you are just beginning, maybe try choosing a story from one of the Gospels or a short Psalm. 


  • Take your time and read the passage slowly. Allow the text to breathe

  • As you read, pay attention to what stands out to you. What catches your attention? Maybe it is a word or phrase that almost leaps off the page. 

  • Speak to God as you reflect. Remember, you are in his presence. 


  • Take your time and read the text again, slowly. 

  • Pay attention to what you are feeling? How are your emotions being stirred by the story or passage you are reading? How does a word or phrase relate to your life right now? 

  • Speak to God as you reflect. Remember, you are in his presence. 


  • Take your time and read the text one last time. 

  • Pay attention to what you think God is saying. Is he inviting you into something? How might he be challenging you through this text? What might he want to remind you of today? 

  • Speak to God as you reflect. Remember, you are in his presence. 


Tanner Fox