As we engage in life and Kingdom work together at First Pres, we believe that BELONGING in God’s PRESENCE, to His PEOPLE, and in the PLACE He’s called us is our charge as we grow deeper in community and Christlikeness. Missional Living has been our focus for several years, but it’s only one of the three components that lead us to the BELONGING and life of flourishing that God designed for us. While Missional Living applies to the PLACES He sets us, we must also move toward His PEOPLE (Church Family) and His PRESENCE. Join us on our journey to deeper BELONGING together.

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march 9 - april 13


March 9

PRESENCE - Read Matthew 5:4 and reflect on a time when you were comforted in mourning.

PEOPLE - Reach out to a friend who has experienced loss and pray for them.

PLACE - Choose a homelessness ministry to serve this month.

March 16

PRESENCE - Reflect on Matthew 5:3 and consider what it means to be poor in spirit. 

PEOPLE - Celebrate a friend's successes with an encouraging note!

PLACE - Look for ways to offer your skills freely (i.e. tutoring, mentoring, or fixing).

March 23

PRESENCE - Read Matthew 5:9 to know Jesus, the ultimate peacemaker. 

PEOPLE - Register to retreat with our Church Family at LifeFest!

PLACE - Pray for peace and reconciliation within our city. 

March 30

PRESENCE - Read Matthew 5:10 and pray for strength to stay firm in Truth when facing opposition.  

PEOPLE - Welcome someone new during Fellowship Hour under the Angel Wing.

PLACE - Show kindness to those who oppose you, demonstrating Christ’s love.

April 6

PRESENCE - Reflect on Matthew 5:5 and practice Christ’s humility and gentleness.

PEOPLE - Attend a new Formation Class!

PLACE - Serve in your community or neighborhood with a humble heart.

April 13

PRESENCE - Meditate on Psalm 30 and praise God for deliverance and healing as we enter Holy Week. 

PEOPLE - Attend Tenebrae on 04.17 with a close friend or family member.

PLACE - Share the hope of our Risen King with a friend, and invite them to Easter at First Pres!




January 5

Presence - Read the story of Rahab in Joshua 2 & 6, and pray that God would give you courage in times of trial.

People - Share your faith story with a close friend. 

Place - Extend a helping hand to someone who’s seen as an ‘outsider.’ 

January 12

Presence - Reflect on Acts 16:11-15 and pray that God would open your heart to hear the Gospel in a new way. 

People - Open your home to friends for dinner or game night!

Place - Offer to babysit for a young family in your neighborhood.

January 19

Presence -  Read Joshua 1:1-9. Cultivate a habit of meditating on Scripture daily for guidance and strength. 

People - Share with a friend how scripture has encouraged you lately. 

Place - Leave a gift/snack and a kind note in your mailbox for your mail carrier.  

January 26

Presence - Read 1 Kings 18:16-24. Pray that God would help you to identify and remove any worldly distractions in your life. 

People - Message a friend you haven’t seen in a while to share the impact they’ve made in your life. 

Place - Leave a positive review for a business or restaurant you have enjoyed.

February 2

Presence - Read 2 Samuel 9:1-11 and reflect on how God’s grace is woven throughout the story. 

People - Attend Sunday Supper on the Great Lawn with your Church Family!

Place - Show kindness and compassion toward a coworker. 

February 9

Presence - Read Daniel 4:28-37. Take time to reflect on God’s gifts in your life.

People - In your Small Group or friend group, share how God transformed your heart through trial.

Place - Leave an encouraging note for a coworker or neighbor. 

February 16

Presence - Start your day in the Word. Read Jonah 1:1-12.

People - Extend forgiveness on a path to reconciliation. 

Place - Invite a neighbor for a walk in the park to build friendship.

February 23

Presence - Meditate on God’s forgiveness and mercy as you read Numbers 12.

People - Attend the Generational Brunch on Sunday and make a new friend in our Church Family!

Place - Practice three random acts of kindness toward people in your community. 

March 2

Presence - As you read Acts 16:22-34, reflect on the transformation of the jailer as a result of Paul and Silas’s prayer and worship. 

People - Ask a friend how you can pray specifically for them this week.

Place - Invite a coworker or neighbor to our Ash Wednesday service.


december 1 - december 29


For the week of December 1

Presence – Read Luke 2:1-7, and commit to at least 5min of dwelling daily in His presence.

People – Use our Advent blocks or calendar to celebrate the season with your family and friends.  

Place – Take a tag off the Giving Tree to support and love the less fortunate in our city. 

For the week of December 8

Presence – Read Isaiah 9:2-7. Pray a prayer of gratitude that God’s plan of redemption finds its fullness in Jesus. 

People – Sow seeds of peace and reconciliation in your Church Family.

Place – Be light in darkness as you help a neighbor brighten their home for the holidays. (Hint: Gift them a candle, help them hang lights, or lend a hand with party prep.)

For the week of December 15

Presence – Read Luke 2:8-14 and meditate on the peace, hope, and joy of Christ’s birth.

People – Pray peace over a friend who may be experiencing anxiety.

Place – Share the Good News of our King by gifting a Nativity ornament, figurine, or depiction to a friend.

For the week of December 22

Presence – Read Isaiah 57:14-16 to prepare your heart for our coming King! 

People – Invite a friend to worship with you at First Pres on Christmas Eve

PlaceVolunteer in our community this Christmas! 

For the week of December 29

Presence – Reflect on God’s faithfulness in 2024. Pray for flourishing in your family, work, and community in 2025. 

People – Sign up for winter bible study or join a small group!

Place – Commit to regularly serving in your community in 2025.


September 1 - november 24


September 1: Read the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2-11) to know the heart of God.

September 8: Read Matthew 5:13-16 and remember that your service gives glory to God.

September 15: Read Matthew 5:43-48 and consider how you can love your enemies.

September 22: Read Matthew 6:1-5 and consider how you can practice humble righteousness.

September 29: Study the Lord’s Prayer using a commentary on Matthew 6:5-15

October 6: Read Matthew 6:19-21 and check your heart regarding material possessions.

October 13: Read Matthew 6:25-34 and trust God to fulfill all your needs.

October 20: Read Matthew 7:1-5 and consider ways that you may judge others.

October 27: Read Matthew 7:7-11 and make a list of things you’re scared to ask God for.

November 3: Join our prayer warriors in 24 Hours of Prayer for our country!

November 10: Read Matthew 7:15-20. Pray for wisdom to see and be bearers of good fruit.

November 17: Read Matthew 7:21-23 – submit to God’s love and obey His commands.

November 24: Read Matthew 7:24-27 and heed the invitation to practice the ways of Jesus.


September 1: Meditate on Matthew 5:7 and look for ways to be merciful to others.

September 8: Look for ways to be a comfort to your friends.

September 15: Check- in with a family member who is difficult for you to love.

September 22: Do something nice for a friend without telling them it was you.

September 29: If you’ve been holding a grudge, ask God to help you forgive them.

October 6: Invite a friend to join you in donating things you don’t use anymore.

October 13: Tell a friend about something you worry about.

October 20: Choose a family member and list 5 traits you admire about them. Text them your list.

October 27: Pray God’s bountiful blessings over your friends and family.

November 3: Gather friends and family and let your voice be heard at the polls.

November 10: Talk with a friend at church to know the fruit of their walk with Christ.

November 17: As an outpouring of your faith, walk with a family member through hardship.

November 24: Study the Sermon on the Mount with someone in your Church Family.


September 1: Consider Matthew 5:9 and focus on being a peacemaker at school or work.

September 8: Show God’s extraordinary kindness to a neighbor.

September 15: Demonstrate kindness toward someone who thinks/believes differently than you.

September 22: Leave an anonymous gift for a neighbor.

September 29: Build His Kingdom by showing God’s deep love to someone at school or work.

October 6: Find a need within your circle to meet with Relentless Generosity.

October 13: Go for a walk and find evidence of God’s provision in nature.

October 20: Choose a non-Christian in your life and identify ways they reflect the image of God.

October 27: Pray God would soften the heart of a friend who doesn’t know Him.

November 3: Volunteer locally to serve and Love the City.

November 10: Demonstrate Spirit-filled love, joy, peace, and patience toward your neighbor.

November 17: Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know in your neighborhood.

November 24: Invite a neighbor over for dinner.


May 19 - august 25


May 19: As we enter into Pentecost, ask God to reveal how you can contribute to our Church Family.

May 26: Read Acts 2:1-13 and reflect on the gift of the Spirit given to the church by Jesus.

June 2: How do you sense the Spirit of God being “poured out” (Acts 2) in your life? Revisit that place/experience this week for reflection.

June 9: Read Peter’s Sermon from Acts 2 and be encouraged that God is with you.

June 16: Reflect on the ways God has provided you with your “daily bread.” Thank Him for His provision.

June 23: Read Acts 4:1-22 and reflect on the gift of salvation in Jesus, our cornerstone.

June 30: In Acts 4:33, ‘the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus’. Remember the goodness of Jesus’ resurrection today.

July 7: Read Acts 5:12-16 to reflect on the work of the Spirit to bring healing. Pray for healing through the power of the Spirit. 

July 14: Read Saul’s conversion story in Acts 9 and reflect on the way God met you for the first time.

July 21: Read Acts 10:34-48 and consider how Christ came for ALL.

July 28: Read Acts 13:4-12 to see how Paul called out a false prophet. Ask God to give you discernment in identifying false teaching.

August 4: Remember God’s faithfulness to His people in Acts 13:13-41.

August 11: In Acts 14, Paul used the power of God to heal a lame man. Pray that God would give you faith to expect miracles.

August 18: At the Jerusalem Council, the early church agreed that Gentiles did not need to follow any extra rules to receive salvation. Ask God to show you any extra rules you are adding to faith for salvation.

August 25: Ask God to remind you of old prayers that He has answered.


May 19: Share a meal with a First Pres-er this week.

May 26: Ask the Spirit to place someone on your heart to pray for.

June 2: Acts 2:42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” Pick one to do with others this week.

June 9: Reach out to a friend or family member who has encouraged you in the “paths of life” (Acts 2) and thank them for their love and care.

June 16: In Acts, the church came together sharing, “everything in common.” Be a vessel of God to provide someone with their daily bread.

June 23: Spend some time encouraging a friend who reflects Jesus in word and deed.

June 30: Read Acts 4:32-37 and be generous to someone in your life as they were in the early church.

July 7: Pray for a friend or family member who needs healing of mind, heart, or body.

July 14: Ask a friend or relative to share their “Jesus Story” with you.

July 21: God brought new people into the body of believers after Pentecost. Invite someone new to spend time with your friends or family.

July 28: Ask a friend to be your accountability partner.

August 4: Extend God’s forgiveness to you, to a friend or relative this week.

August 11: Spend time in prayer with friends and family this week.

August 18: Ask for forgiveness from any friends or family members that you have judged harshly.

August 25: Ask a friend about how their time with God has been lately.


May 19: Find an opportunity to be generous to someone in your community.

May 26: Where do you see evidence of the Spirit at work in your neighborhood/workplace? Write those things down and thank the Lord for them.

June 2: Enjoy a meal with a friend or neighbor at a local restaurant this week.

June 9: Deliver a note of encouragement/care to a neighbor in a hard season of life.

June 16: The Christian Service Center offers “Daily Bread” to our displaced neighbors. Volunteer with us as we serve the hungry!

June 23: Find a space to proclaim the Gospel: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

June 30: Partner with your church friends to show generosity in your neighborhood.

July 7: Pray for renewal in those places near your work or home in need of healing.

July 14: Return to a place that has been meaningful to you – where you have felt the presence of God. Ask God to meet you there again.

July 21: Find an opportunity to meet someone outside of your regular circles.

July 28: Look for an opportunity to be light for others in your neighborhood this week.

August 4: God gave the Promised Land to Israel. Make a list of things you are grateful for regarding the place God has given you.

August 11: Ask God to help you see your neighbors the way He sees them.

August 18: Paul and Barnabas's preaching opened a door of faith to the Gentiles. Pray that God would open a door of faith with an unbelieving friend.

August 25: Pray for the non-Christians in your neighborhood this week.


march 31 - May 12


April 7: Read John 21:15-19 to learn what came next for the disciples and the church after Jesus’ resurrection.

April 14: Pray about the day on your way to work or school.

April 21: Pray for humility as you endeavor to become more like Jesus.

April 28: Pray through the lyrics of a favorite hymn.

May 5: Make a list of 10 things you’re grateful for to offer in prayer of thanksgiving.

May 12: Read about Pentecost in Acts 2 in preparation for our new liturgical season.


April 7: In the spirit of Generational Faithfulness, Find a way to invest in an intergenerational friendship this week.

April 14: Spend time with your church family at Sunday Supper this weekend.

April 21: Invite a friend into deeper Revelation study with a book from our resources list.

April 28: Work on being an intentional listener for your friends this week.

May 5: Find ways to celebrate your mother that will make her feel loved.

May 12: Ask a friend or family member to join you in a new hobby.


April 7: Share with a neighbor how you celebrated Easter this year.

April 14: Look for an opportunity to do an act of kindness for a neighbor.

April 21: Find a community event to contribute your time and gifts to this week.

April 28: Read a local paper to be informed and take action in your community.

May 5: Sign up to take a class at the library or join a community club.

May 12: Get outside at a local park or springs and meet someone new while you’re there.


febuary 18 - March 31


February 18: Choose a Scripture reading plan for Lent like this one.

February 25: We worship a God who can move mountains. Pray and trust God with your “mountain.”

March 3: Spend time in silence with God.

March 10: 1 Corinthians 13:4 says, “Love is patient...” How can you exercise patience this week?

March 17: Read Romans 8:14-17 and consider what it means to be a child of God. How does this change the way you think about yourself?

March 24: Attend the Maundy Thursday & Good Friday as you prepare for Easter.

March 31: Listen to hymns of praise this week as we begin the season of Eastertide.


February 18: Write an encouraging note to someone in your church family.

February 25: Ask a friend or family member how you can be praying for them.

March 3: Plan something fun to do with your church family.

March 10: Share one of your personal goals with a friend and ask them to hold you accountable to it.

March 17: Help a friend with a project they’ve been avoiding.

March 24: Invite a friend to come to church with you for Easter.

March 31: Find a local opportunity to volunteer with a friend.


February 18: Look for an opportunity to be generous with someone in your neighborhood.

February 25: Introduce yourself to a neighbor you haven’t met yet.

March 3: Volunteer to help with an upcoming community event.

March 10: Invite a neighbor over for a fun afternoon.

March 17: Show kindness to a neighbor by helping with a weekly task.

March 24: Host or attend an Easter celebration with family & friends.

March 31: Serve with a First Pres mission partner this week.


january 7 - febuary 18


January 7: God shows us His glory in nature. This week, spend time outside looking for things that remind you of His glory.

January 14: Meditate on God’s saving work in your life as you prepare for the Baptism Renewal next week.

January 21: The season of Epiphany focuses on making known what has been hidden. Consider how God has brought light into darkness in your life.

January 28: The sermon this week talked about how our love for Christ can wane; pray that God would renew your love for Him.

February 4: Pray that God would give you a greater understanding of His love for you.

February 11: Attend the Ash Wednesday service on 02.14 at 6:30pm to focus your heart towards Lent.


January 7: Ask a friend to share a book or artist they’ve been enjoying lately.

January 14: Make plans to go do something with a friend that they really enjoy.

January 21: Build relationships with your church family by going to Sunday Supper next week.

January 28: Ask a friend to go run errands with you.

February 4: Have you been avoiding a difficult conversation with a friend or family member? Practice some ways to lovingly address difficult issues.

February 11: Invite someone to practice a Lenten discipline with you beginning this week.


January 7: Take your friends and family to go clean up an area in your neighborhood.

January 14: Find a community event to attend this week.

January 21: Visit the Orange County Regional History Center or read a book about local history.

January 28: Look for ways to have fun with your neighbors. Join a local sports league or invite neighbors over for a playdate.

February 4: Volunteer with a local non-profit this week. Consider our SHINE MINISTRY!

February 11: Spend time in reflection and prayer with a friend in a nearby park or restaurant.


December 31


December 31: As the new year begins, pick a spiritual practice to focus on this year.


December 31: Ask a friend if they’ll commit to doing a spiritual practice together this year.


December 31: Find a way to serve a neighbor this week.




December 3: Jesus invites His children to come to Him with everything. Look for small things to pray about this week.

December 10: God’s children are made in His image. Make a list of ways we reflect God.

December 17: Children of God are led by the Holy Spirit. Look for ways the Spirit is leading you this week.


December 3: Good friendships are authentic. Tell a friend about something you’re struggling with this week.

December 10: Is there an important relationship you’ve been neglecting? Make space for quality time with that person.

December 17: Ask a friend to share a meal this week.


December 3: Go to Stirred to Serve to assemble hygiene kits for our unsheltered friends, or grab a tag from the Giving Tree to help a family in need this Christmas.

December 10: Bring a treat to a neighbor this week.

December 17: Celebrate Christmas with your community.





Pray - For the salvation of your friends and family

September 3: Pray that the faith of those just starting college would stay strong in this new season of life.

September 10: Pray that God would soften your heart towards non-Christians.

September 17: Pray for your friend or family whose hearts are hard towards God.

September 24: Pray for those you know who have neglected their faith.

October 1: Pray for those who are struggling with their faith.

October 8: Pray for your friends or family who have been hurt by the Church.

October 15: Pray for your friends or loved ones who have walked away from the faith.

October 22: Pray for those you know who are curious about God.

October 29: Pray for your loved ones who need God but don’t yet know it.

November 5: Pray that God would open your eyes to those in your life who need support as they wrestle with their faith.

November 12: Pray that God would show you how you can learn from the faith of others in your life.

November 19: Pray that God would use the season of Advent to draw people to Himself.

November 26: Pray and thank God for his gift of faith.


Practice - Lectio Divina

Our spiritual discipline for the season of Ordinary is Lectio Divina. This is a practice which dates back to the early Church and was a common monastic process. We will use each week’s sermon text as the Scripture passages for meditation. Find Lectio Devina instructions HERE.

September 3: Leviticus 22:31-33

September 10: Leviticus 24:17-21

September 17: Exodus 20:1-11

September 24: Exodus 20:12-17

October 1: Jeremiah 29:1-10

October 8: Matthew 18:21-35

October 15: John 3:16-18

October 22: Luke 17:3-4

October 29: Psalm 51

November 5: Ephesians 4:29

November 12: Matthew 19:16-24

November 19: Luke 19:1-10

November 26: John 10:10-11


People - Have gospel sharing conversations with family, at work, and in your neighborhood

September 3: Encourage a Fellow First Pres-er to attend the Gender, Sexuality & The Church series at church with you. Register here:

September 10: Share the Pray, Practice, People posts from First Pres on your social media accounts.

September 17: Invite non-Christian friends to watch The Chosen with you.

September 24: Invite someone who is curious about God to practice Lectio Divina with you.

October 1: Take the time to get to know a non-Christian in your life better.

October 8: Invite a family you know to come to Sunday Supper on 10.29.

October 15: Look for ways this week to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around you.

October 22: Find an opportunity to be a listening ear for someone who needs to talk.

October 29: Share with a friend what God has been doing in your life recently.

November 5: Invite a friend to attend church with you on December 17 for Handel’s Messiah!

November 12: Give a Bible or book for new Christians to someone who’s curious about Christianity.

November 19: Ask someone you don’t normally discuss faith with about their spiritual life.

November 26: Share how thankful you are for God’s blessings with a friend or family member.


May 28 - August 27, 2023



Pray - For your neighborhood

May 28: Choose one neighbor to pray for specifically throughout the season of Pentecost. Come back at the end of August and see how God answered your prayers.

June 4: Pray for the safety of your neighborhood.

June 11: Pray for your non-Christian neighbors.

June 18: Pray for any of your neighbors who are struggling with physical sickness.

June 25: Thank God for the ways He has used your neighborhood to bless you.

July 2: Ask God to show you how you can be a blessing to your neighborhood.

July 9: Pray for your neighbors who struggle with mental illness.

July 16: Pray for an issue specific to your neighborhood. For example, an ongoing conflict over a municipal decision, disagreements within the HOA, etc.

July 23: Pray for your local representatives.

July 30: Ask God for something good that you hope for the future of your neighborhood.

August 6: Go on a prayer walk in your neighborhood praying for the people you see.

August 13: Pray for the safety and wellness of the kids in your neighborhood.

August 20: Pray for a heart to better love the neighbors who you struggle to get along with.

August 27: Look back at the prayers you’ve said for your neighbor and see how God has answered your prayers.


Practice - Silence + Solitude

The spiritual disciplines of Silence & Solitude: These disciplines are about refraining from interacting with other people while quieting our mouths and our minds in order to be alone with God and listen for His voice. During the season of Pentecost, we’ll provide advice and Scriptures to help you learn how to practice this well. 

May 28: Tip - Find a quiet place, free from distractions.

June 4: “And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire, a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:12 (NIV)

June 11: Tip - It is recommended to spend at least 20 minutes a day in silence. You can start with 2-5 minutes and work up to this.

June 18: “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.” Psalm 37:7 (NIV)

June 25: Tip - Sit straight in a comfortable position.

July 2: “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

July 9: Tip - Breathe slowly, deeply, and naturally.

July 16: “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.” Psalm 62:1 (NIV)

July 23: Tip - Close your eyes or lower them to the ground.

July 30: “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:6 (NIV)

August 6: Tip - When your mind wanders, let your breathing bring you back. Use the phrase ‘Abba Father’ to recenter yourself.

August 13: “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 (NIV)

August 20: Tip - God is already present and waiting for you. All you have to do is choose to be with Him.

August 27: “This is what the sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)


People - Find ways to join in the life of your city

May 28: Find a coffee shop to make your own. Get to know the baristas and other regulars there.

June 4: Attend a government or community meeting to learn about current issues in your city.

June 11: Visit a farmer’s market and learn about some local businesses.

June 18: Go hike a trail you haven’t been to before.

June 25: Learn about your local representatives and pray for them.

July 2: Go see fireworks somewhere in your neighborhood. Introduce yourself to someone sitting near you.

July 9: Sign up to serve Daily Bread at the Christian Service Center.

July 16: Visit the Orange County Regional History Center or a local art museum.

July 23: Go see a local ensemble like the Orlando Symphony Orchestra or UCF Concert Band perform.

July 30: Invite some neighbors over for dinner.

August 6: Visit a local community center to learn more about the diverse cultures in your area.

August 13: Meet someone new this week. Say hi to someone in line at a coffee shop or introduce yourself to another parent at the park.

August 20: Go on a prayer walk near the church or in your neighborhood.

August 27: Go support a local business.


APRIL 9 - MAY 28, 2023



During the Easter season, we’re praying for the flourishing of both our immediate and church families

April 9: Thank the Lord that He overcame death.

April 16: Pray that the Lord would help you to better understand His power.

April 23: Pray that the Lord would keep the hope of Easter present in the hearts of your friends and family.

April 30: Pray that your unsaved friends and family would come to know the work that God has done for them.

May 7: Pray that God would help you to rest in the surety of His providence.

May 14: Thank God for the blessing of mothers and pray for those for whom Mother’s Day is a difficult holiday.

May 21: Thank the Lord for the presence of His Spirit.


Practice - Pray the Psalms

April 9: Psalm 80

April 16: Psalm 150

April 23: Psalm 30

April 30: Psalm 23

May 7: Psalm 148

May 14: Psalm 47

May 21: Psalm 97

(Use this Pray the Psalms Guide for reference.)


People - Find ways to serve your family and friends

April 9: Find a way to celebrate a family member or friend.

April 16: Clear time in your schedule to take care of a task or errand for a family member.

April 23: Sit and pray with a friend who needs encouragement.

April 30: Surprise a friend by bringing them dinner.

May 7: Take some time to catch up with someone in your family who you haven’t talked to lately.

May 14: Go attend an event that is important to a friend or family member.

May 21: Serve your church family by finding a way to volunteer at church.


February 26 - april 8, 2023

During Lent we’re praying for our vocations and industries.


February 26: Pray a prayer of thanksgiving. Thank the Lord for the work He has brought and the sustenance He has provided.

March 5: Pray a prayer of repentance for your mistakes, failures, and ways you have hurt your coworkers.

March 12: Pray for the flourishing of your workplace. Identify three ways you desire to see God move. Write these down so you can come back and see how God answered these prayers.

March 19: Pray specifically for one or two coworkers. Ask God to reveal how you can love them well in this season.

March 26: Pray for your industry as a whole. In what ways has it created brokenness? In what ways can it improve and better the lives of others?

April 2: Pray for the Lord’s guidance. Ask that He would show you new ways or renew your current efforts to bring about His kingdom through your work.


Prayers of confession:

February 26: Lord, forgive us when we count ourselves greater than others. (John 19:1-3)

March 5: Lord, forgive us when we forget the sacrifice required to follow Jesus. (John 15:18-27)

March 12: Lord, forgive us when we forget the power of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:1-16)

March 19:  Lord, forgive us when our faith is weak and we do not understand. (John 16:17-24) 

March 26: Lord, forgive us when we deny your authority over our lives. (John 17:1-5)

April 2: Lord, forgive us when we neglect our role in the body of Christ. (John 17:20-26)


February 26: Write a note or talk to 2-3 coworkers letting them know you appreciate them and their contributions to your company/organization.

March 5: Find a way to improve your office/workplace. Tidy up an area that’s been in need of attention or add some decorations to spruce things up.

March 12: Invite coworkers that you don’t know very well to grab lunch one day this week.

March 19: Check in with some coworkers to see how their day/week is going. See if there is a way you can help make their week better.

March 26: Identify a coworker who you’ve hurt and ask them for forgiveness.

April 2: As appropriate with colleagues, gather a few people for prayer and pray over coworkers in need, company challenges, for leaders, and for clients.





January 8: Pray to see the light of Jesus as it was revealed to the Magi.

January 15: Pray to hear God’s voice as Jesus did at His baptism.

January 22: As we remember Jesus’ miracles of healing, pray that God would strengthen your faith and bring healing.

January 29: Pray that God would feed you with the bread of life as we remember Jesus turning water to wine and feeding the five thousand.

February 5: Pray to see God’s power over the overwhelming parts of our lives as we reflect on His miracles of nature.

February 12: Jesus healed many blind people during His time on earth. Pray that God would heal your own spiritual blindness.

February 19: As we prepare for Ash Wednesday, we focus on the Transfiguration. Pray that God’s glory would be transformative in your life.


During the season of Epiphany we will continue the spiritual discipline of scripture memorization. Each week we’ll focus on memorizing a portion of the Scripture text from the sermon.

January 8: Luke 6:17-18

January 15: Hebrews 10:22

January 22: Genesis 3:15

January 29: I Peter 1:13

February 5: Judges 17:6

February 12: Ezekiel 34:2

February 19:  Isaiah 53:4


January 8: Invite some friends or neighbors over for an Epiphany celebration. 

January 15: Send a text or a letter to a friend or neighbor letting them know how they have blessed you.

January 22: Find ways to encourage physical or spiritual healing for someone. Visit someone in the hospital or make a healthy meal for a busy family.

January 29: Tell a neighbor or friend about the Scripture you’ve been learning about this week, whether from the sermon or your own studies.

February 5: Spend extra time in prayer this week advocating for someone who is going through a difficult period in life.

February 12: Clean out some things you don’t use anymore to give to some friends or a charity.

February 19: Attend this week’s Ash Wednesday service and consider how you plan to acknowledge the season in your daily rhythms.


DECEMBER 24, 2022 - JANUARY 05, 2023


December 25: Pray as an offering of thanksgiving to Jesus for His coming to love and redeem us. What a gift we have in Jesus!

January 1: Pray for the year ahead – that God would reveal ways that we can love others to be His light in a dark world.


During the season of Christmas we will continue the spiritual discipline of scripture memorization. Each week we’ll focus on memorizing a portion of the Scripture text from the sermon.

December 25: Matthew 1:22-23

January 1: Genesis 12:2-3


December 25: Introduce yourself to a neighbor you haven’t met yet. Invite them over for a meal or to go to a park.

January 1:  Think of ways to engage with neighbors or friends in your New Year’s resolutions. Find some neighbors to go on regular walks with or invite people over for a healthy meal.


November 27 - december 18, 2022

neighbors & neighborhood


During Advent, we’re praying for the flourishing of our neighbors and neighborhoods.

Week of November 27: Pray for your neighbors who don’t know Christ – that the Christmas season would prompt them to ask questions and seek out the one who we are celebrating during this time.

Week of December 4: Advent is a season of waiting, pray for your neighbors or friends who are in a season of waiting and hoping. Whether it be for a child, a better job, healing from physical illness, etc.

Week of December 11: As Christmas draws nearer, pray that God would show you the present signs of his future coming. Where can you see the kingdom breaking in among your neighbors and friends? Maybe someone with a softer heart, a passion to help those in need, more compassion for those who are hurting.

Week of December 18: As we enter the last week of Advent, pray that God would quiet your heart. Ask for the peace to slow down in this busy time and focus on sitting and being with God.


Our spiritual discipline for the season of Advent is Scripture memorization. Memorize the Scripture text from the sermon each week:

November 27: Luke 1:45

December 4: Luke 1:49-50

December 11: Luke 1:78-79

December 18: Luke 2:30-32


For the season of Advent, our missional focus is generosity toward our Orlando neighbors. Here are some suggestions:

  • Participate in our Giving Tree and/or Stirred to Serve initiatives.

  • Call or write a note to a grieving friend/neighbor to let them know you’re thinking of them.

  • Give your time to volunteer at Compassion Corner or any mission with extra need during the holidays.

  • Think of someone in your circles who may be lonely in this season. Invite them to join your family’s celebrations.





Pray for the salvation of your friends, family, and coworkers. Pick a prayer prompt to focus your prayers each week:

  • Think of two people that you know who do not know Jesus. Pray for these two people to come to know the Lord, every day, for the next 6 weeks. 

  • Pray for opportunities to talk about God with those who are not Christians or may be curious about God.

  • Pray that God would open your eyes to those in your life who could use encouragement and support as they wrestle with their faith.

  • Pray for friends and family who have walked away from the faith.


Our spiritual discipline for the season of Ordinary is Lectio Divina. This is a practice which dates back to the early Church and was a common monastic process. We will use each week’s sermon text as the Scripture passages for meditation. Find Lectio Devina instructions HERE.

September 4: Genesis 2:20-25

September 11: Psalm 130

September 18: Psalm 91:9-13

September 25: Acts 17:22-34

October 2: John 4:7-27

October 9: Luke 19:1-10

October 16: Luke 15:11-32

October 23: Luke 5:1-11

October 30: Luke 9:18-27

November 6: Isaiah 66:18-22

November 13: 1 Chronicles 29:10-16

November 20: Luke 16:1-13


Share the Gospel in your family, vocation, and neighborhood using one, two, three, or ALL of these suggestions:

  1. Use this story sharing tool to write your story through the lens of Creation - Fall - Redemption - Restoration, and then ask a neighbor or friend if you can tell them your story. Ask them to share theirs too.

  2. Invite someone who is curious about God to practice Lectio Divina with you.

  3. Invite a friend to join our Book Study with you this fall.

  4. Attend the Gospel Sharing series in the Pastors Class during September and October.

  5. Ask a non-Christian friend or family member to read through a book of the Bible with you.

  6. Read a book about the journey to faith. 

  7. Invite a friend to attend church with you.

  8. Read an article about those who have deconstructed and left the faith to learn about their experiences: Before You Lose Your Faith: Deconstructing Doubt in the Church edited by Ivan Mesa

  9. Is there a friend or family member who you don’t normally have spiritual conversations with? Ask them about their spiritual life.

  10. Find ways to support a non-Christian friend who’s going through a difficult season of life.

  11. Share the Missional Living PRAY, PRACTICE, PEOPLE posts from First Pres on your social media accounts. While you’re at it, share the Sunday Worship livestream on Facebook!

  12. Share the Gospel with someone.

  13. Invite a non-Christian friend to see the Godspell musical – play or movie – with you.

  14. Share your favorite verse or Christian song with a friend who needs an uplifting word.

  15. Organize a weekly viewing party to watch The Chosen in your home with the non-Christians in your circles.


JUNE 5 - August 28, 2022



Pray to Foster & Transform Community:

  • Are there any upcoming events in your neighborhood? Pray that God would use these to foster new or deepen existing friendships among your neighbors.

  • Prayer of Repentance: Repent to God for any ways that you may have hurt one of your neighbors.

  • Pray that God would open your eyes to opportunities for getting to know your neighbors better.


Practice Hospitality:

  • Offer to babysit a neighbor’s kids so they can rest or run errands.

  • Introduce yourself to a neighbor you haven’t met.

  • Host a movie night in your yard.

  • Offer to pick up a prescription or groceries for an ill or elderly neighbor.

  • Invite a neighbor over for dinner.

  • Help organize a neighborhood event.

  • Invite a neighbor to a community or church event.

  • Set up a sprinkler for neighborhood kids to play on your front lawn.

  • Invite a neighbor to grab coffee.

  • Make cookies and deliver them to your neighbors.

  • Invite your neighbors over for a front porch hangout.

  • Host a sidewalk chalk art contest.

  • Invite someone over for lunch after church.




APRIL 17 - JUNE 4, 2022



During the Easter season, we’re praying for the flourishing of both our immediate and church families

  • Identify 3 specific ways to pray for the flourishing of your family and church throughout this season. Pay attention to how God moves in these areas over time.

  • Prayer of repentance: Repent to God for the ways you have hurt people in your family or church.

  • What are the major things happening in the life of your family or church? Pray for God’s blessing over these things.


Pray through the Psalms

04.17.22 - Psalm 118

04.24.22 - Psalm 150

05.01.22 - Psalm 30

05.08.22 - Psalm 23

05.15.22 - Psalm 148

05.22.22 - Psalm 47

05.29.22 - Psalm 97

(Use this Pray the Psalms Guide for reference.)


Focus on drawing closer to members of your family or church during Easter(tide):

  • Find 2 people at church you would like to get to know better and invite them to coffee or attend an event with you.

  • Identify someone in your family or at church who you have hurt and ask them for forgiveness.

  • Invite your family or friends to intentionally spend time in prayer together during this season.

  • Gather with your family or friends and use the resource above to pray through a Psalm together.


MARCH 2 - APRIL 16, 2022


  • Pray for the flourishing of your workplace in very specific and concrete ways. Identify three ways God could show up, and ask a prayer partner to join you in regular prayer for these three things.

  • Put before God in prayer co-workers who are in need, and then ask God to reveal to you how you can best love them in this season.

  • Pray a prayer of repentance for your own mistakes, failures, and hurts you have caused your boss, colleagues, or subordinates. 

  • Expand your experience of prayer. Move beyond ‘requesting’, and see prayer as time spent with the Father nurturing a deeper intimacy with Him. Sit in silence for five minutes and just listen.

  • What goods or services do you help provide the marketplace, family, or community? Pray for their smooth delivery, increased abundance, and innovation in effectiveness. Likewise, pray over how your ‘industry/sector/arena’ is broken. Ask God to bring healing in various ways (integrity, efficiency, access for others, stewardship, honesty, trust, etc).


Prayers of Confession

03.06.22 - Lord, forgive us for the ways that we mock your Kingship over our lives. (John 19:1-3)

03.13.22 - Lord, forgive us for the times we do not walk in faith. (Mark 11:12 - 12-26)

03.20.22 - Lord, forgive us for the moments when we do not stand by you or your values. (John 18:1-12)

03.27.22 - Lord, forgive us when we do not live according to your Truth. (John 18:28-40)

04.03.22 - Lord, forgive us when we turn away from others in the midst of their suffering. (John 19:16-17)

04.10.22 - Lord, forgive us when we question your authority. (Mark 11:1-11)


Take a step toward your co-worker(s) with a thoughtful act of care in this season of Lent.

  • Identify a co-worker you have hurt, and ask them for forgiveness.

  • Ask three people in your workplace, “Why do you do what you do?” and see where the conversation leads.

  • Make a list of ways your company/organization blesses the community (and beyond mere philanthropic efforts, but basics like: providing jobs, paying taxes, providing a fair product/service at a fair price). Invite others to add to the list and see how many you can make. The goal is to prompt discussion on meaningful topics, and it may lead immediately or over time to conversations of spiritual significance. 

  • As appropriate with colleagues, gather a few people for prayer and pray over: co-workers in need, company problems, for leaders and bosses, for clients.

  • Gather either co-workers or others in your industry to read these devotionals on “Work Not Toil”, and gather once a week for five weeks to discuss.  


JANUARY 6 - MARCH 1, 2022



During the season of Epiphany we’re praying for the flourishing of our neighbors and neighborhood.


Memorize each Sunday’s sermon text.

01.09.22 — Acts 2:42

01.16.22 — Romans 15:5-6

01.23.22 — Psalm 136:23-26

01.30.22 — Matthew 12:49-50

02.06.22 — 1 Corinthians 1:2

02.13.22 — Philippians 1:3-5

02.20.22 — 2 Corinthians 8:2

02.27.22 — Revelation 21:3


Take a step toward your neighbor(s) with a thoughtful act of care in this season of Epiphany.

  • Get the kids together for crafts and snacks.

  • Write a friendly note to encourage.

  • Return your neighbor’s trash/recycle bins after waste has been collected on your block.

  • Offer to mow their lawn. 

  • Invite your neighbor(s) into your home/yard for a meal or a cup of coffee.

  • Invite your neighbor(s) to First Pres!